✔️One Year Manufacturer Warranty
✔️Support from our experienced team in California
Why Go Electric Unicycle?
Micromobility options are numerous these days, but e-unicycles offer capabilities and convenience like nothing else. Compared to electric scooters and electric skateboards, King Song electric unicycles truly are King:
✔️Power: with over 2000W of power available beneath your toes, King Song high performance e-unicycles offer incredible torque and stability. This is not a toy, it’s a vehicle.
✔️Range: imagine what you could do with up to 90 miles range on a single charge. Say goodbye to range anxiety.
✔️Portability: our electric unicycles are much smaller than most scooters or skateboards, and because our models come with built-in push handles, you’ll never get stuck carrying your ride. Just step off, pull up the handle, and roll it at your side in one seamless motion.